Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nan ate bread with dripping ...

My grandmother (Nanny/Nan) sometimes would get a slice of fresh bread (always delivered daily, except weekends, by the baker in his horse-drawn van), and then dip her knife into the crock pot full of dripping (lard), which was saved every time we fried some meat, and spread it thickly on the bread. She'd top it off with pepper and salt.

I never tried it. It just didn't appeal to me. I asked her why she ate, it and it seems that it's what she ate as a child. I think her childhood was in Mount Gambier or Murray Bridge. I can hardly remember her stories now. She died in 1973 I believe. She had been born in the late 1800s. I'll look up her birthdate so I can include it here. I think it was the 1870s - I remember so much from the Victorian era in my home, as I lived with Nan and Grandpa, Mum and Dad. 4 adults. No children.

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