Saturday, January 4, 2014

Story behind the newspaper photo - Henley High School Prefect Induction 1964

Getting your photo in the Adelaide 'Advertiser' newspaper was always quite an accomplishment. As Henley High School was such a relatively new school (opened 1958), our first prefect induction was covered in the news.

The photographer gathered all the prefects together, then wanted some 'regular' students in the photo, too. The only students were guys - left behind to pack up the metal chairs that we had sat on in the quadrangle. The photographer wanted some female students, but as it was a break most had gone to activities on the oval and far away.

Typically I and my best friend, Robin were where we weren't really supposed to be - inside the main building corridor. They reporters grabbed us and shoved us right behind the prefects, and in front of the guys.

I remember it as being a very uplifting assembly and occasion.

I think part of this photo was part of the celebrations for 50th anniversary of Henley High School. I can always remember going to a display at Henley Town Hall in the 80s or early 90s and the Henley & Grange Historical Society had included this photo in their 'historical' display. You can imagine what went through my mind with that! Me? History/historical? Am I THAT old?

I have the year down for this photo as 1964, and believe that to be approximately correct.

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