Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Backyard - 536 (620) Seaview Rd, Grange. South Australia

Me with some very young puppy German Shepherds. I think I was around 18 years old here. I have on my chenille dressing gown.
This is on the south fenceline, just east of Dad's 'sleep out'.
The shed was there all my life. I have an idea that at some stage it was a chook's cage (chickens). I don't remember having chooks. I always wanted them, ans so many people had them. Great to get rid of food scraps. I loved egg collecting! I heard a story about how I used to have a rooster when very young (1-2 years old) - evidently he would attack the pants legs of men when they came around - they said he was better than a watch dog. But seems it got too much. It was a bit hush-hush, but believe he got dispatched. I have an idea that we had for lunch roast chicken one Sunday lunch (dinner) - something we rarely had. I didn't know enough to ask where it came from.
How much truth to that story, I don't know. But since so many pieces of my life are emerging from the past, it could quite likely be true.
What this definitely was is a rabbit hutch! We got a rabbit from the 'Smith's' - about 7 houses south. They had rabbits for sale, and we got 'Peter' rabbit. Mum & Mrs Smith became friends, and I played with the Smith children, even though they were older, for quite some years. Mrs Smith also sewed some clothes for me. She cooked on a wood stove and cooked really well.
It wasn't long before 'Peter' rabbit was re-named "Petereen" - SHE had babies!!!!
I'm not sure how many rabbits I had in total - many over quite a lot of years, I think. Petereen was white & grey.
We tried to make an area for the German Shepherd pups, but it was only make-shift.
Gee! To be 18 again!!!! *lol*
PS: The Hill's hoist & rainwater tank belongs to the house next door (south).

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